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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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with custom gear, get started today at with jake tapper today it for cnn >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808592400. that's when 808592400 former
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president donald trump's strapped for >> cash in the campaign and in his personal life to trump has just days to secure a half $1 billion before the new york attorney many general start seizing his assets and letitia james says her office is already getting ready to do that. >> plus >> new cnn reporting, fulton county district attorney fani willis pushing forward with her goal of starting donald trump's georgia election interference trial this summer before the election. how likely is that timeline? and what potential obstacles standard away? >> and the department of justice is suing apple sandi, an iphone monopoly. what we're learning about the quote, damning internal pro communications, and how the fed say apple undermines products that would make users less reliant on iphones were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in, right? here to cnn new set
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>> new york attorney general, letitia james is ready to collect. donald trump has until monday to pay nearly half 1 billion. >> he >> owes the state after being found liable for civil fraud. and james is taking steps indicating she is going to try to seize trump's assets if he fails to post that massive bond. and if that's not enough pressure, trump's campaign fundraising is now lagging behind president biden's to the tune of tens of millions of dollars sources tell cnn the former president is now in panic mode about his finances let's start with cnn's kara scannell on the fraud case, kera trump is on the hook for this huge sum. his attorney says that he can't pay yeah, boris, that's right. i mean, the clock is ticking. hear donald trump has come up with about a half, $1 billion to satisfy the 464 million judgment by monday. and his lawyers say that he has been unable to get a bond the attorney general's office is pushing back on that and this
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is now in the hands of the new york appeals court, who will side whether or not to give donald trump more time to come up with the money or not have to post any money at all or allow him to post a smaller amount. that is that he's been asking for. so both of these things are coming to a head. and meanwhile, the new york attorney general's office has already taken some steps. to get into position should they move to seize assets, they've entered judgments in westchester county, meaning that they have put on notice that they could go after some of trump's assets. there there he has a golf course as well as this state known as seven springs is a large family compound this is just kinda laying the groundwork, whatever steps they do take if trump doesn't come up the money and the appeals court doesn't step in will likely take some time and trump is expected to fight back every step of the way as he had throughout this entire investigation trial. and now recovery for us is bankruptcy potentially on the table? >> i mean, that could be an
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extreme option that trump could take in order to stop the collection of assets they have fallen short and trying to get a bond at least to date, they could also try to tap money out of some of their properties, go to a bank and try to get a mortgage or try to sell something. but again, they're kind of running out of time here. there's not a lot of room for them to work with. and so a bankruptcy could be a move of last resort. we haven't heard the president talk about that. he's been talking more about the potential of his assets being seized and kara bring us up to speed on what the attorney general has been doing when it comes >> to seven springs, how likely is it that that moves forward as of monday? >> so that is what we've seen happen there in westchester is the first step. it is essentially putting on notice that there was this judgment that they could then move to try to get control over these
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properties, but this process is a long one and it's not likely that we will see anything immediate on monday. no padlocks on the doors but we could see them signal what properties they are looking for or potentially targeting. i mean the issue they would have to come up with some properties. this could also be bank accounts and airplane, not necessarily just the real estate, but to come up with this total of nearly we half $1 billion. so there's some work to be done to figure out how much these properties are worth. because part of the allegations and the judge's finding is that trump inflated the value of a number of his properties over the years. so very now, what is worth what to get to that total could take a little bit of time and of course, trump is going to fight this every step of the way kara scannell, thanks so much for that. let's bring in cnn's kristen holmes, who is here in the studio with us. kristen panic mode in trump world. what exactly does that mean? >> well, panic mode really applies to the bond here because that is where donald trump is trying to scramble
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constantly to figure out what he's going to do. and they really don't have any ideas how they're going to handle this and they are just four days away. now, when it comes to the campaign, they actually did see an increase in their fundraising but in the big picture, there is still significantly lagging behind joe biden. so let's take a quick look at those february fund raising numbers. if you look at that, trump's campaign plus the joint fundraising committee raised about 20.3 million. that means they'd $41.9 million cash on hand. now the increase comes in january. they only got $10.5 million, nearly doubling it there. but then you look at joe biden's numbers, $53 million, just in the month of february. and they have 155 million dollars cash on hand. we've talked to trump's advisers. they say he's the incumbent. we had to do a primary season. we had to be out there campaigning and a primary. this makes sense that the money just coming in one thing i do want to point out, i have been following this campaign for a long time. i've been talking to people on the ground. they have always told me that they were concerned about money. this is the first time they are actually starting
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to feel like the money is coming in. so yes, the numbers don't show it, but they're starting to staff up. they feel that they can breathe again. there's gonna be a huge fundraiser with some of the richest gop donors at the beginning of april, the donald trump is going to have they feel like the tides are turning trump, obviously, as we've seen before, uses these legal cases as a political boone and often you get fundraising texts and emails soon after news breaks about what's going on with him in court. but they are causing him to burn up a lot of money, right? >> yeah. they are in terms of these legal cases, if you talk about the save america erica packages as leader, leadership pac would pays those legal bills. they actually spent more on legal fees than they took in in the month of february, which is quite pretty striking when you look at that. i mean, these are not going to go away and again, a lot of this is outside of just that insane bond number that he scrambling to come up with. this is legal bills, legal fees, as well. lawyers for him. >> and some people that >> he has cited to pay their legal fees who are in cases that were related to donald
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drop? >> yeah. it's not just that civil fraud case. he also owes e. jean carroll a ton of money kristen holmes, thanks so much for the update. erica i will mean time in georgia, the former president is fighting tooth and nail to postpone his election subversion trial. past election day, of course. and battled fulton county district attorney fani willis, however, intends to ask for a summer trial, even after a two-month detour that concluded with her narrowly avoiding getting kicked off for that case. cnn is that cohen joining us now with the very latest. so zach, what more do we know about these plans >> you, erica fani willis, the district attorney in fulton county, is planning to re-up her requested judge scott mcafee is overseeing the georgia case to set a trial date and is set one before the 2024 election. she wants she's looking at a date somewhere as soon as this summer and that's consistent with what she previously ask mcafee to schedule. she asked him for a trial date on august 5th, but that request is gone unanswered, and we've since had significant developments in this case, including a chaotic two months where we've spent a lot of time talking about fani
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willis's personal life and these allegations that she engaged in an improper romantic relationship with her lead prosecutor, but during those proceedings as disqualification proceedings, fani willis took the stand yourself and she insisted that she's not the one on trial. take a listen to what she said when she during a hearing just a month ago you've been intrusive into people's personal lives. you'll confuse you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> sources are telling me that this push is renewed push for mcafee to put a trial date on the calendar is really consistent with what willis said when she took the stand. obviously, that doesn't discount these several challenges. she still faces in actually getting to trial. as soon as this summer, there's several factors at play here, including the biggest one which is this looming question around absolute immunity. it's something that president donald trump, former president donald
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trump, has claimed in the federal election subversion case, the us supreme court is expected to take up arguments here, start hearing arguments on that question in april and is expected to rule on the matter by june. and that decision could significantly impact the timeline and the future of a trial in georgia as well >> zachary cohen, appreciate it. thank you >> wael >> justice department is going after the second largest company in the world apple >> in a landmark >> lawsuit, federal prosecutors alleged the trillion dollar tech giant has a monopoly on the smartphone market they say its app store and the weight is devices work, shut out competitors >> they stifle innovation they heard producers and workers and they increased costs for consumers if left unchallenged. apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly but there's a law for that >> in response. apple says,
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quote, we believe this lawsuit is wrong on the facts and the law, and we will vigorously defend against it. cnn's senior justice correspondent, evan perez, is on the story also with a cnn business editor-at-large, richard quest, evan, you did not find my laugh. >> gardens joke amused. >> but this is something we've seen. i did find it because this is something we've seen coming for a while. >> yeah. right. this is an investigation that's been going on for a couple of years now, and people have wondered like, where is it, where is it the european union took action against apple for the way it conducts and how it closes off its app store, find them billions of dollars. and so the question has been, when will the justice department finally take action? and what you heard? today from the attorney general is this concern that apple is stifling the ability of new technology, sometimes more secure technology, from being able to get a foothold on on its iphones, which obviously i think 70% of the market is
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what the justice department says, is what apa now has control of in the smartphone market and it decided the right thing to do with everything from digital wallets, right? if you use your phone to tap to pay, apple gets a cut. 30%. they have control over the way smartwatches are able to integrate with with, iphones cloud streaming, apps everything that apple controls, apple says is in order to produce a better experience for customers, what the justice department says here today is that no this is stifling. innovation is stifling competition it is also sometimes stifling security for users and what they're asking the courts to do is to order apple to essentially open up this environment to make sure that other companies can be part of it >> so that, that specifically the change that they want is just to open it up a little bit more. what would that practically mean though? >> well a lot of people are
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thinking that perhaps in the end, the justice department and courts might my broached the issue of breaking up apa. right? that's not where the department is going right now but right what what they're asking a court to do essentially as essentially order apple to allow some of these apps and some these are the companies to be able to integrate you. we've all been on text messages with our family members, right. the dreaded >> right. blue versus green, right? >> just and right. exactly. and so that's the kind of thing that apple could really, according to the justice department, readily fix that. they're not doing >> richard. so merrick garland kind of spins apple's advertising against them saying there's an app for that. well, there's a law against monopolies what would apple's app store look like? how impactful could this lawsuit ultimately be for their finances >> i think with all these antitrust lawsuits, the thing
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you have to bear in mind where you start and where you finish are two very different things and that's the big risk for apple here, because there are those of us of a certain age, you'll remember at&t who remembers, microsoft remembers all the big antitrust litigation that the doj went against and of course, the companies eventually it got broken up or have to give vast amounts of ground. and that's likely to happen here in some shape or form. i'm in brussels tonight. and interestingly, the building behind me, the badly mole, which is the headquarters of the european commission they found a different way to go after apple. they basically change the laws and change the rules. so for example, they said the new law is you have joel out third party access for apps when it came to the charger, they basically made the law that said, you have to have usb-c as your charger despite all these. so the us
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very much going in one particular direction that litigation doj, europe, dow justice found that to be not so successful oh, they just changed the rules, changed the law works a little bit different than richard just mentioned. and i remember starting my career as a tech reporter covering 18 covering microsoft, the doj, right. the antitrust have even saying that apple actually benefited from that landmark microsoft ruling, right? >> they did. and there's a lot of companies that we now know that i've now in dominant positions that started out in a much more inferior and smaller position, right the underdoggs against the big bmr a microsoft that are now doing the same thing that the justice department at the time said microsoft was doing. and so it is a turn about one of the finance things. if you see what apple statement meant was today you read a part of it, bores. they mentioned that, you people don't want the government designing their technology, right but that's what richard just talked about, right? the eu essentially ordered apple
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and everybody to get on the same page about the chargers because we didn't have one had to carry multiple types of chargers, right? and everybody complained about it, but eventually they did it. and now we're all benefiting from that change. >> there's a new one every three years. that's the problem. it's hard to hook stuff up that you owned before to the right. richard martin okay. so how are they doing in response to this lawsuit i saw earlier that apple stock price had taken a bit of a dip. is that a good buying opportunity >> oh, that's a great question. >> really. that would require me to interpret whether or not how this case is likely to end if you tell me, listen, look at the numbers for us. you've led me you led me into that trap. look into the number, but apple is down some 4% today in a market that is generally much higher. so it is being clobbered by investors. there will be those apple hollich that will say, yeah, this is a
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buying opportunity in the long run, apple has been one of those most valuable companies stock prices been way up there. i'm not going to get involved in that. i'm going to tell you expect rocky roads for apple whilst we get some clarity on exactly how dangerous this is for the company as always, there's a richard quest pun >> i do apologize for trying to trap you. richard it was inevitable richard quest, evan, perez. thank you both so much. so we're, getting new details on the attempts to access the princess of wales health records at the hospital, stay with us cnn, news, central, he's brought to you by far, sega, visit us at for >> for more if, you have, chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because they're places you'd >> like to be for secular can
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answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to >> you 808 to 14000 a cnn from capital whole. we've learned the house plans to pass a massive 1.2 trillion dollar government funding package tomorrow morning. but it's still unclear if it can make it through the senate and the president biden's desk before the mid deadline tomorrow cnn's chief congressional correspondent, manu raju joins us now. a mano, some house republicans had been really fighting this bill. they said they would prefer a government shutdown and what's their reaction to this news? >> well, there's an expectation that this bill will pass. remember this is about six months late. this bill $1.2 trillion more than thousand pages in length dealing with major federal agencies and departments. it was just released this morning. in fact, it three in the morning and they're trying to push this through by the 11, p.m. tomorrow night to avoid a partial government shutdown, we expect the house to pass it tomorrow morning, then it would
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go onto the senate where they need all 100 senators to consent to have a quick vote. we'll see if they ultimately get there. now, this doesn't mean that members are happy. in fact, there is so much fury in the ranks it particularly among republicans, but a deal that was cut the process that led to this. and the fact that view of them will have any time to even read it >> this is complete but it's well honed process. it has been plundering and more generic children's future. this is this is what washington his devolved into. it's disgusting. >> i do think there's spiegel got rolled in negotiation. >> yeah, absolutely. >> do you think that his jobs at risk i mean, i don't think near karen probably, but, you know, the question is next congress, who's gonna be the right person to be speaker? and i think this whole factor into it is a disaster. >> but since i've been up here, it's been that way. it always comes down to last-minute. everything is pushed him. >> what do you say to people who are frustrated this process that produced a page appropriations bill in the
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middle of the night. so you devote on by tomorrow i'm frustrated too. there's a better way to do this. we should've been doing appropriation bills long time ago >> and that common coming from the number of two senate republican, john thune, who wants to be the new republican leader in the next congress that is gonna be one of the things they will promise their members to change a process. but that has just the way this has the evolve. and of course this has been a particularly messy episode in this congress. the first short-term extension of government funding to avoid that october 1st shutdown of last year led to the speak ouster of the speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy. now we're at this point ending last year's business, probably just in the nick of time, but potentially they could stumble into his short-term shut down over the weekend and the senate can't agree to a quick vote by 12 night >> and fundamentally, mano, not that much different the compromise that kevin mccarthy struck from this one, and that one cost mccarthy his job. we'll see what the repercussions are for speaker johnson, manu raju, live on capitol hill. thanks so much. erica well, the uk's watchdog
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data watchdog is reportedly assessing reports now that up to 33 hospital staff members allegedly tried to access princes catherine's >> medical records so both the princess of wales and king charles were treated at that same london clinic back in january, king for an enlarged prostate kate for abdominal surgery, british media report that king charles has medical data was not compromised in the alleged breach. again, still not clear whether princes catherine's was it's to point out, of course, this isn't the only problem for buckingham palace public scrutiny and conspiracy theories have been swirling over the last several weeks involving the royal family after of course, there's been little information on catherine's condition and on the heels of these photos which appear to have been digitally edited, cnn royal historian kate williams, that joins me now. so first, let's get caught up. this data breach, this alleged data breach. so now the palace has been fairly quiet. in fact telling my colleagues here at cnn point and then back to the clinic. but when we look at
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what is happening in some ways, this is almost a gift. this part of the story to the palace, because it's distracting in some ways from what has been by most accounts are really bungled communication strategy here yes, it has been a bungle communication strategy. they usual world strategies of either giving updates or carrying on smiling and waving what we had was radio silence. william dropping out of engagements. and the consequence was wild conspiracy theories which were fueled by the mother's day photo that you showed, which was digitally edited and then therefore removed by some many photo agencies. and now we have, this big security breach at the hospital, very respected hospital. many wars have been treated there. and there is currently a question i understand from the media about when this breach went on, was it during kate was staying there and if so, was it reported in time? so it is a big story, obviously innocent until proven guilty. we don't know what we staff members were doing, but at the same time, i think it is a very significant story and it does really suggest that everyone was
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interested. everyone was interested in this and it's such a major global story that even staff members are trying possibly if it's true to get to her records right. >> and disturbing in terms of privacy for anyone, right. whether you are a royal or not >> the idea >> that that could happen with your medical records incredibly disturbing. all of this is playing out. we haven't heard a lot about king charles himself, as we noted, he was treated, being treated at the hospital well around the same time as princess catherine. we don't know a lot about his type of cancer has prognosis, how he's doing. that's interesting, that that's sort of been pushed to the side yes, king charles is the head of state, caters not so we do need to have updates about king charles's health. we are expecting to have a general election this year, possibly in october. it has to be by next january. probably we might see a change of government and the king, the monarch has a key role in this. he can't have the standings doing get for him and we haven't been taught much that we have been told that he hopes to go to the trooping, the colour birthday parade in
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the early summer, but he may be in a carriage, so it doesn't like we're going to see him until at least june, july, if not afterwards? >> the watching for all of that came williams always good to see you. appreciate it. thank you >> so the calm here, an idaho inmate is on the run after three correctional officers or wounded in a shootout. what we're learning about the search and the surprise attack sunday >> a wrongfully convicted menn freed after more than a decade, i can't believe i'm seeing you face to face jake tapper feels how the legal system failed and he's very personal quest for justice. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn. >> what you doing, just buying a car on carbonic. >> you are not? yeah. it's super convenient. already got pre-qualified into minutes. yeah, it is. >> oh, look, i can customize my terms the customed down and monthly payments >> and just like that, my car is getting delivered in a couple of days
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visit coventry i'm david culver in port-au-prince, haiti. and this is cnn
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>> we're learning new details about the tragic fatal car crash involving senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, sister-in-law angela chao a new toxicology report says that chao was drunk when she mistakenly backed her car into a pond on the family's ranch in texas. cnn's gabe cohen joins us now with the latest game. what more are we learning about this incident? >> as a boris angela chao was the ceo of a major shipping company as well as the sister of elaine chao, transportation secretary under the trump administration, who's married to senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. she died the night of february 10th, but cnn has just obtained this long that sheriff's office report that all for a really harrowing and tragic account of how this all unfolded. it says angela chao had gathered for the weekend with a group of old friends. they were having dinner and drinks at her family ranch outside allston and as the night was winding down, a camera on the property caught her walking unsteadily towards
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her car with a phone in her hand. she then starts to drive the car. she gets in, starts to drive according to the report, and very quickly reverses and goes over the top of a wall and into a lake on the property. and the scene described after that was frantic. she called her friend for help as water was filling the car, they were on the phone for eight minutes according to this report. and during that time, chao said her goodbyes over the phone as our friends were desperately trying to save her. one of them grabbed a kayak and paddled out to her. another swam out and climbed on top of the car, but they just could not reach her. and ultimately, first responders pulled child's body from the car 21 minutes later chao was intoxicated according to the report, nearly three times the legal limit. the sheriff's office calling all of this just an unfortunate accident and boris obviously, this horrible tragedy is impacted mitch mcconnell's life and his family he noted
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his sister-in-law, his death when he announced his plan since to step down from his leadership role last month, he said at the time, quote, as some of you may know, this has been a particularly difficult time for my family. we tragically lost elaine's younger sister, angela just a few weeks ago. and when you lose a loved one, particularly at a young age, there's a certain introspection that accompanies the grid grieving process. perhaps it's god's way of reminding you of your own life's journey to reprioritize the impact of the world that we will all inevitably leave behind. so boris clearly and understandably, this has been very difficult, very tough for mcconnell and for his family, especially as these new details are coming out >> gabe cohen, thanks so much for those details >> still ahead >> is artificial intelligence coming for your job? a brand new white house report reveals who is most at risk backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs,
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write news articles like the one i wrote on this very topic. so it's all inspiring. but from the perspective of an employee, it's also kind of scary. so this report shows that white house officials, they are thinking deeply about what ai means for the workforce and for good reason because like all technologies i, is going to help some workers and it's going to hurt some others. and what they found is that 20% of us workers are in jobs right now that have high exposure to ai. >> these are the >> ones who are going to have the biggest impact, either positive or negative. >> now, to drill down further >> about who's really vulnerable though, they look to see how complex those tasks are with the thinking that the more complex the job is, the harder it is for a robot to replace a human. >> and they >> found that 10% of us workers are in jobs that have both high ai exposure and low complexities so these are the ones really most at risk here. >> and >> i talked to jared bernstein,
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the white house economist, and he rejected the notion that it will all of those jobs are going to go away because of ai. >> he said, that's just not the way >> technology or automation work. what else economist de point out that humans still fly planes even though we've had autopilot for a century now still though erica, i think it's clear that psalm jobs are going to be negatively impacted by ai. >> yeah, it does. i mean, listening raises a lot of concerns. there have also been concerns about the risk that ai poses when it comes to equality or inequality yeah, absolutely enter there were some interesting findings on that front. first, on education, researchers found that workers with less education are more negatively exposed to some of these ai risks. you see 14% of workers who have a high school graduation no deployment, no more than that, they're most exposed. that compares to 6% of workers who have a bachelor's degree or more. similarly, workers in the lower middle
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income brackets, they are more exposed here as well. and so that does raise some inequality concerns the report. they've wrote, quote, ai hood exacerbate aggregate income inequality if it's substitutes for employment and lower wage jobs and complements higher wage jobs. we've, we've heard a similar warning from the imf recently as well. under the white house stresses, it's too early to say that ai is definitely going to worsen inequality in part because as that very risk should inform policy and jared bernstein, he told me, listen, the biden ministration is not going to let technology worsen inequality, but erika, i would just stress that ai, it's moving fast, really fast. and at the end of the day, i don't really think anyone truly knows how this is going to play out. not even chatgpt >> yeah, certainly not. and that is i think the general concern for a lot of people, matt really appreciate it. thank you >> wael, dangerous inmate and the man accused of helping him
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the sweetness >> think that our democracy is at risk. >> we have be very concerned >> why do you think he's doing this? can he be talked out of >> do >> you think he's guilty? >> the lead with jake tapper next on cnn >> and idaho, an urgent manhunt is underway for an escaped inmates and a man accused of ambush and corrections officers to free him skyward me. it was being discharged from a hospital in boise early wednesday morning, said to be transferred back to a maximum security prison where he's been doing time for aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer with a gun as he was leaving meads alleged accomplice nicholas unfun our opened fire, striking officers. the pair then took off in a
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great 2020 honda civic we're joined now by cnn's natasha chen with the details. natasha, what's the latest on the search? >> oh boris just before i came on the air here, i got a phone call telling us that there will be a police press conference updating us on this investigation just before 05:00 eastern time today. so hopefully we learn more about where they are in this investigation. because as of now, we still have these two what they call armed and dangerous men out on the loose here. >> let's >> go over the timeline of events that you were just discussing corrections officers say that skyler meade had injured himself and that's why he was taken to the hospital to begin with at 09:35 p.m. got there just before 10:00 p.m. was the bout to be discharged around 02:00 a.m. and that's when police say that the accomplice fired shots at the hospital, hitting two corrections officers. the hospital staff made a 911 call
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and boise police came, fired a shot at an armed person. they said who turned out to be another corrections office faster. so that's three corrections officers who were injured here. luckily, they will recover from those injuries. here's a police chief talking about the whole ordeal we believe that this was a coordinated attack ambush on the department of corrections officers. and certainly a planned endeavor to free him from custody. they are dangerous, they are armed and they have shown a propensity for violence >> and let's take a look at what we know about these two people. the escaped inmates, skyler meat, he was serving time for aggravated battery on a law enforcement with a firearm. he scott known tie as to a prison gang, a white nationalist prison gang that police had actually describe tattoos on him, a one and an 11. the one stands for the first letter of the alphabet that's a the 11th letter is k
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area knights and that he was taken to the hospital as we said, for self injuries, they escaped together in a gray honda civic 2020 gray honda civic and about his alleged accomplice. there's now an a warrant out for nicholas unfun our warrant of $2 million bond. and that is for aggravated battery against law enforcement and aiding and abetting an escape. he's a known associate of skyler, made. >> again >> considered armed and dangerous. and we are waiting to hear more more information in that press conference coming up. boris, >> now, we look forward to details from that natasha can thanks so much, erica. >> let's get you caught up and 70 other headlines that we're following at this hour. a man in florida is suing the city if saint petersburg and two police officers claiming he was paralyzed and needed both his legs amputated after an account or with police, according to the lawsuit the man was wrongly arrested for trespassing, and i do want to warn you the video we're about to show me deed was serving two to watch the surveillance video from inside the a police van shows the
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handcuffed man fall over as you see here, hit his head. he then appears unconscious as an officer pulls him. look at that, pulls him from the van. the loss so legacy officer was driving recklessly and accuses him of using excessive force. a second, officer is accused of false arrest and malicious prosecution st. peter's police department is denying all claims here >> a nasa >> and two other crew members are safe after their scheduled launch to the international space station. was abruptly canceled just 20 seconds before liftoff. >> nasa's has an >> automatic abort was triggered after the service towers next to the soyuz rocket failed to initiate in an engine sequence start. engineers are still looking into why that happened. the next opportunity for launch is on saturday and a new report fines people with darker skin are 32% more likely than white patients to have pulse oximeter readings that overestimate their oxygen levels and research which has worn, this could lead to a delay in potentially lifesaving
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treatment and they're urging the fda now to implement new regulations. silicon, five generations of one family gathering to welcome the newest member and we've got the moments, the 100 two-year-old matriarch of this family met her great, great, great week's slides, cia secrets, flowery place, >> valerie plane pro are playing. >> i was undercover, >> so when you're a spot yeah. >> did someone at the white house blow the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticized the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass destruction exactly? >> this is the rear scandal that really mattered. >> lives were at stake. >> yes. my children. this is >> horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday you're nine on cnn >> you know what's brilliant think about it boring is the unsung catalyst for bowl. >> what straps >> bold to a rocket and hurdles and into space oren does boring
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great-granddaughter allison and allison delivered her baby. so camp nella got a chance to meet her brand new, great, great granddaughter, who is also her namesake that little bundle of joy right there is macy, josephine heller officials that unity hospital say she's going to be known as macy joe got a special moment. >> that's crazy. five generate now one family in one hospital. congratulations to all of them, and congruent revelations to erica hill completing first. oh, yes. >> set >> of hours who first appearance made a on cnn news central anchoring the show alongside. thanks for making it such a joy. my friend. oh, that's a lot of funding. you get to san a lot. so i hope you got your stepson. i feel like i did get my steps and i'm done. i don't remember the gym today. perfect. >> thank you, erica. and thank you so much for joining us today. the lead with jake tapper starts in just about five seconds new york, has. started the process >> of seizing donald trump's assets. the lead starts right
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now the court filings are going in, starting the process in case donald trump cannot meet the monday deadline and come up with a $464 million bond in that civil fraud case penalty. >> ahead. what trump is saying in public while his campaign goes into panic mode by disease plus outrage on capitol hill with republicans furious over last-minute release the massive bill to fund the government through september >> this is complete, is functional. this is what washington is devolved into it's disgusting, but will >> liters get this bill passed despite the vogel disgust and cnn on the ground in haiti alongside police see exactly what he's officers are up against as violent gangs tried to take over the few parts of the country they don't already control luck of the lead on jake tapper and you hear the bell there. we're starting with breaking news and our money lead the dow closing right now has a record hi 39,780


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